Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Friday

Today is Friday, our restful-cleaning-farmers market-lunch-with-friends Friday. It's warmish and partly cloudy outside, the washing machine is rumbling away and shaking my little attic floor when it hits the spin cycle. I'm uploading CDs of traditional music I found in a back corner in my cleaning frenzy - from when old family friends (Hi Pete, Kelly, Walt and Clare!) visited this area last Fall. The fridge is full of delicious fresh veggies we bought from our favorite sellers at the market - note to self, post about the market, with PICTURES - there is a bouquet of fresh daffodils on the counter. The "Rushmore" soundtrack is on in the background, some cute Frenchy-French man crooooooning to me. I washed the dishes and made the bed! The windows are open! I swept the floor! There is so much to be said for motivation (a cup of Spanish espresso helps a whole lot), sunny days, new cardigans, and lunch with friends. Roast chicken is on the menu. Who knows what the afternoon holds? I have my eye on some shoes downtown... Ah, Spain!

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